Re: CERT Advisory CA-95:02.binmail.vulnerabilities

Karl Strickland (
Fri, 27 Jan 1995 15:57:39 +0000 (GMT)

> > The CERT Coordination Center thanks Eric Allman, Wolfgang Ley, Karl
> > Strickland, Wietse Venema, and Neil Woods for their contributions to
> > mail.local.
> Last billing there Neil, though I note its in alphabetical order. It
> does seem a little thick headed that cert, in its wisdom, did not simply
> refer people to several 8lgm advisories already on the subject. As for the

To be fair to CERT, we were given early access to a number of versions
of mail.local before this one was released.  Neil analyzed - in detail -
countless versions of mail.local and provided code to fix the remaining

> "mail.local" not been perfect - what are they advising? the installation of
> something less that perfect as far as root-bugs are concerned? 
> 	"But mom, I'm only a little bit pregnant"
> >From my examinations of mail.local, its fine unless you can write to the mail
> spool directory. If you can, then its raceable.

Why is it raceable?

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